Sep 29 2010 Full Version *There is a new Version 8.0*DarthMod Ultimate Commander is a nearly complete overhaul of Empire: Total War based Darth Vader's excellent DarthMod Empire. [obsolete] dmuc v6.2 full version No files were found matching the criteria specified. We suggest you try the with no filter applied, to browse all available. And help us achieve our mission of showcasing the best content from all developers.
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With all the respect in the world NB I thought your original statement about Darthmod forcing someone to buy a new game was BS. But you really shouldn't make sweeping statements with *Warnings* that you heard off a 'friend' that are, or can be damaging to a mans reputation who has possibly spent thousands of hours modding games for the benefit of the community. Your 'friend' must have a Steam account so why not let the dev's talk to him to find out exactly what happened and how Darthmod destroyed his game. Because if you download a mod and it worked fine, then another day your game had a problem, the culprit must have been the downloaded mod, right? I had some major kinks the other night trying to load up Shogun2, and it all started after I did a major update. After a few verifying game caches and restarting Steam, it worked fine. It had nothing to do with the mods I have installed, major or not.
Empire: Total War as the game it should have been. Yeah man darthmod is the best mod for the total war games when you get it you dont want to go back to vanilla. Patch Fr Pour Oblivion. :).
Also, buying a disc version doesn't solve squat. You'd have to make a hole new account just for that. Your 'friend' has a 50% chance of lying, or 50% of distorting the truth.
'Rebooting' his computer I take it you meant reformatting, which your friend' could have at least consulted help here or on TWC's forums. At the very least he should have just uninstalled the mod to see if it was actually causing the problem.
If you want us to ask your friend, you could have at least provided his steam profile. Frankly we can never know for sure whether Darthmod really was the problem. Considering the facts s/he's either lying, or frankly stupid. And if what you said your friend did was true, then its most likely that s/he's both. And if you don even know if he's telling the truth you shouldn't be making such statements and treating them as such.
Tell your friend that there is no way darth mod would wreck the game. Darthmod is the best mod series for total war without doubt. Ask him whether he did something other than installation guide told him to do. Hmmm, then how is it that Darthmod destroyed my ETW?, I installed the mod worked perfect for acouple of days, then one morning I turn the Game on and it worked up until it crashed after that my ETW wouldn't launch. My friend 'Emporator' Who Deleted his Account in 2011, told me that all mods Can somtimes, do that. Just the other day I downloaed Radiuos mod, a Really good modder, and a friend, Worked perfectly, but I had to Completly un-install shogun 2 because the mod made it so I couldn't take screen shots.
Now All I did was provide a warning that the mod could do that, doesn't mean it will. And you guys ask why, my friend won't post on the forums, is because you guys would call him a liar, Block/Bann him for providing usless information like you guys did to me. Now, how the **** do you guys know it didn't happen? Are you his friend, are you hacking his screen? Are you sitting right beside him while it doesn't happen? I get tired of everyone including moderators saying I'm giving false information when I don't because, truly it has happened to meand it has happened to many people and for that reason alot of people don't download mods because they know their game is at risk. And I know moderators will probly just give me another infration or block/ban me for this reply but honestly I don't give a **** anymore because people need to hear the truth.