Oblivion: Patch fr: Autre patch fr. Oct 28, 2012 Oblivion: Patch fr: Autre patch fr..Mais laisser un commentaire tout de meme pour. Oblivion: Patch fr: Autre patch fr..Mais laisser un commentaire tout de meme pour. Comment avoir Oblivion en fran. J'installe le second patch pour voir, mais je pense qu'il corrige juste quelques trucs. Patch Fr The Elder Scrolls 4 Oblivion Maps.

I have been playing modded Oblivion for years and have had many re-installs etc. In all this time I have been patching Oblivion with the v1.2.0416 SI version. Torrent Garmin Turkey Map. I am sure I read on my original installation that if I had SI, I only needed to patch with the SI version.

As I am doing yet another re-install, I thought I would check a few installation threads for fresh ideas and came across:- 'Oblivion:Complete Installation Guide' by COSTESI. He catagorically states the need for both if running SI. Well actually he doesn't say both, just mentions the Oblivion version is essential not the SI version. Dead To Rights 2 Pc Game Full Version. I am just assuming that using his reasoning on the essential need for the original patch that as i also have SI, I will need both. I don't doubt him as he appears very authoratative. Just looking for confirmation of this Graham Posts: 3489 Joined: Thu Jul 05, 2007 6:29 am.
I have been playing modded Oblivion for years and have had many re-installs etc. In all this time I have been patching Oblivion with the v1.2.0416 SI version. I am sure I read on my original installation that if I had SI, I only needed to patch with the SI version. As I am doing yet another re-install, I thought I would check a few installation threads for fresh ideas and came across:- 'Oblivion:Complete Installation Guide' by COSTESI. He catagorically states the need for both if running SI.
Well actually he doesn't say both, just mentions the Oblivion version is essential not the SI version. I am just assuming that using his reasoning on the essential need for the original patch that as i also have SI, I will need both. I don't doubt him as he appears very authoratative. Just looking for confirmation of this Graham Logic dictates that you should patch using the vanilla Oblivion patch since you don't have SI. Posts: 3350 Joined: Mon Aug 06, 2007 5:04 am. If you have GOTY edition, the 2nd DVD installs SI, KoTN and definitely patches the game to 1.2.0416. (I have the GOTY edition on DVD) That's correct.
However both Oblivion GOTY and Oblivion 5th Anniversary Edition is exactly the same version with one important difference and that's you only need 1st DVD to install the game including DirectX 9.0c not two discs, but you need 2nd DVD to install SI, KoTH since the 1st DVD is already a fully patched Oblivion 1.2.0416 5th Anniversary Edition. Furthermore you shouldn't uninstall either SI or KoTH if you choose to play without them instead just uncheck them in Data Files option in the game launcher according to the readme. Oblivion 5th Anniversary Edition - Readme. ***************************************** The Elder Scrolls IV OBLIVION Version 1.2.0416 ***************************************** Index: 1. Known Issues and Troubleshooting 2.
Manual Errata and Addendum 3. Performance Tuning 4. System Requirements 5. Update 1.2.0416 Notes 6. Update 1.2.0214 Notes 7.
Update 1.1 Notes ***************************************** 1. Known Issues and Troubleshooting ***************************************** -Uninstalling Shivering Isles Uninstalling Shivering Isles removes many files that are required by Oblivion to play.
To play Oblivion after uninstalling Shivering Isles, you must first uninstall and reinstall Oblivion to properly replace the needed files. -Installation Issue If you repeatedly uninstall and re-install Oblivion, certain systems will display an error message if you try to uninstall Oblivion again. To fix this, put your Oblivion disk in and run setup.exe. This will clear up the error and you can uninstall and reinstall the game. -Saved Games Your saved games are located in your My Documents My Games Oblivion directory.
-Prior to Installing the Game Before attempting to install Oblivion, please verify that your computer meets system requirements. We also recommend that you prepare your hard drive for installation by running ScanDisk and Disk Defragmenter prior to installation. These utilities are part of Windows? And can identify and resolve problems with your disk drive which could hinder installation and/or playing of the game. To launch these programs and optimize your hard disk drive: 1.