ATTENTION for all who are experiencing the spinning CD cursory icon followed by nothing happening. NOTE: I am running 32 Vista. I'm no computer genius but I'll tell you what I did to make it work. I have a feeling something is wrong with the crack provided in this torrent. Mount CD1, run setup, follow instructions for install. You'll also notice the faulty crack entitled 'gta-vc'. After the install, copy the crack over to the directory.

GTA Vice City Torrent Game Setup free Download with high speed torrent download manager, GTA Vice City is my best game that I play yet. Download music, movies, games, software and much more. The Pirate Bay is the galaxy's most resilient BitTorrent site.
Copy and replace, then right click the new gta-vc file, select properties, then choose Windows 2000 compatibility (not sure if this step is necessary but just letting you know what I did.) 3. Normally now you would be able to run the game, but this is when that blasted cursor pops up. Pioneer Keh-p2030 User Manual. NOW head on over to this website 4. You'll notice cracks for both versions, I used both and the game worked with both. G55 Mdha32db Xp Driver more.