Structural Concrete Structures Reinforced Concrete Construction. Ping Tester 9.23. Reinforced concrete The world's tallest building (tip of spire) – 452 m (1483 ft) ft.
Author(s) Bio Dr. Taranath, PhD, PE, SE, had extensive experience in the design of concrete, steel, and composite tall buildings. He was a member of the American Society of Civil Engineers and the Concrete Institute, as well as a registered structural and professional engineer in several states. The author of a number of published papers on torsion analysis and multistory construction projects, Dr.
Taranath published five books, three of which were translated into Chinese and Korean and are widely referenced throughout Asia. He also conducted seminars on tall building design in the United States, China, Hong Kong, Singapore, Mexico, India, and England. Reviews 'This book is an outstanding, comprehensive resource for all aspects of tall building design. I particularly appreciate the marriage of theory and practicality by having the foundation be a conceptual understanding that is then reinforced by code-based applications.
This fact is what makes great engineers. Although it is a substantial text, it is not intimidating and is easily approached by new and advanced students. It is a text that students will want in their library as they move into their design careers.' —David Naish, Assistant Professor, California State University Fullerton, USA ' one of the most comprehensive books covering structural design of high-rise buildings.

Examples from the writer’s rich experiences are beneficial for young structural engineers.' —Sang Dae Kim, Korea University, Seoul, South Korea 'Not only do I want to have it on the shelf, but also use it as a required textbook for my graduate course and technical electives.

Taranath clearly demonstrates superior knowledge of building codes especially as it relates to wind engineering and earthquake engineering.' Farran, professor of structural engineering, Cal Poly Pomona, California, USA. CRC Press eBooks are available through VitalSource. The free VitalSource Bookshelf® application allows you to access to your eBooks whenever and wherever you choose. The Bookshelf application offers access: • Online – Access your eBooks using the links emailed to you on your invoice or in the 'My Account' area of • Mobile/eReaders – Download the Bookshelf mobile app at or from the iTunes or Android store to access your eBooks from your mobile device or eReader.
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