Brihat Parashara Hora Shastra Maharishi Mahesh Yogi

Interview Andrew Foss February 2012 by Charlotte Beson February's Featured Astrologer A Conversation with Astrologer Andrew Foss By Charlotte Benson Interview Date: 1/20/12 Charlotte Benson: Hello Andrew! We feel so lucky to have a Vedic Astrologer of your calibre, one of Britain’s, Canada’s, and now America’s premier Vedic Astrologers to grant to us an interview for the Jyotish Star!

Tell us, when did you find yourself interested in Vedic Astrology? Andrew Foss: I was always fascinated by the stars. At school I was the President of the Astronomy Association. After school I got a job at the Royal Greenwich Observatory and co-authored an article called “is there a 10th planet?' ” which was published in and promoted on the front page of Nature, one of the most prestigious scientific journals. I had no idea about astrology -- but in 1980 I came across a book on Western astrology. Initially it seemed to work but I soon realised that that system, as presented in the books I had, was not effective for predictions.

Brihat Parashara Hora Shastra English

Peter Freund at Maharishi Mahesh Yogi Institute has put together following books on Jyotish in PDF format, Brihat Parashara Hora Shastra, muhurtachintamani. Brihat Parashara Hora Shastra - Volume 1 & 2 by Maharshi Parasara and R. Santhanam and G.S. The Ranjan Publications Edition Various texts attribute the origin.

Just after that, I heard about Jyotish and something clicked. I was hooked for life. Charlotte: As you are originally from Great Britain, what brought you to Canada and then to the United States? Andrew: Ketu dasha took me to Canada, unplanned of course. To stay there I started studying and that is how I got an MSc and PhD in computing. I had always wanted to do it, of course. While teaching Jyotish, I met my wife-to-be and having married an American, moving to the USA was inevitable.

She was living in Hawaii and I was starting Venus dasha, which indicates the South East (direction). As it happened, she moved to Virginia and I joined her there.

Things happen but Jyotishis see the underlying intelligence working. Charlotte: What teachers and/or organizations inspired you, mentored you, or have been your strongest support along the way? Andrew: I started my formal training in Rishikesh with a Pandit in 1981 but even with years of subsequent wandering around India failed to locate someone I felt I wanted to study in depth with. Real Jyotish gurus are in very short supply, apparently. Capable Partners Program Usaid there. Then Pandit Sanjay Rath announced he was to teach the Jaimini Sutras. He comes from a lineage with at least 500 years unbroken tradition of experts in Jaimini and Parashara. He is the only one left with the knowledge.

I knew it was a unique opportunity that I could not pass up and it has proved very beneficial. With Ketu in his 10th house, few people appreciate what he knows or have the patience to fathom it. One's guru is based on one's karma. It can be seen from the chart.

File Torrent Dengan Idm Selain Zbigz Premium. If there is no connection in the chart, then you don't study with that teacher. Charlotte: What advice would you give that could be helpful for students of Vedic Astrology? Andrew: Jyotish is such a vast ocean and it is considered a secret. In part, it is so because it is hidden by the Brahmins who won't share except with genuine and worthy students. In part, is because one's heart and mind have to be clean enough to grasp the knowledge. Fortunately, the knowledge itself is purifying as I'm sure we all experience.

I have learned many rare things but I know it is just a little. One can never become proud and think one is a great expert, or then one is totally lost. A Jyotishi is called Daivagya, a knower of the Divine. If we think we know, the Grahas will stop helping us. Humility attracts Divinity. Even humility is not easy to find but time and Shani Deva help. Charlotte: Please tell us a little bit about your own writing, do you have books, either that you have written, or that you recommend to help the aspiring student?

Do you plan this for the future? Andrew: I have devoted most of my time to the software Shri Jyoti Star. I have always done it for my own research but many people have taken to using it and I have been kept busy trying to satisfy all their interests. Through that, I have seen many different approaches to astrology. I have written a book on the mantras of the planets.

I have given the mantras and commented on each one. I have also written many articles, most of which have been published in the journal Gochara of the British Association for Vedic Astrology. I hope the book and these articles will be generally available in 2012.

Charlotte: Do you have any conferences or educational events or webinars coming up? I know you have been a presenter at many ACVA international conferences and of course at BAVA which you co founded in Great Britain.

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