The Capable Partners Program (CAP) is a USAID Leader with Associates Cooperative Agreement intended to strengthen the organizational and technical capacities of NGOs. New 021.acv Patch V1.o. USAID/MOZAMBIQUE CAPABLE PARTNERS PROGRAM (CAP) II FINAL EVALUATION October 2016 This publication was produced at the request of the United States Agency for.

Source: DGP – RFA – Request for Applications No. M/OAA/GRO/EGAS-DGP-10-001 Capacity Building Assistance for under “As needed, capacity-building support will be provided to enhance the DGP partners’ organizational, technical, administrative and capacities to partner with in addressing development priorities and implement their programs effectively. In addition to any technical assistance available through Missions, the ODP/PVC-funded Capable Partners (CAP) NGO Strengthening Mechanism will provide capacity building support to DGP grantees, as agreed to by the recipient and the AOTR. Initial Detailed Implementation and Management Plan Workshops will take place for new partners within the first few months of their awards to refine work plans and performance measurement plans, as well as to provide financial management.
Applicants are encouraged to consider public-private alliances to achieve program results and foster sustainability. USAID’s Private Sector Alliances Division of the Office of Development Partners (ODP/PSA) provides training and assistance to help Missions facilitate such alliances. Where appropriate, ODP/PSA or USAID’s Regional Alliance Builders may offer orientation to prospective applicants on how to identify and build these partnerships. Additional information about Public-Private Partnerships (PPP) and Global Development Alliances (GDA) may be obtained from the GDA web page at.” Return to.
The Capable Partner Program (CAP) began in 2003 and is funded by USAID through a Leader with Associates Cooperative Agreement to the Academy for Educational. Saunders Comprehensive Review For Nclex Rn 5th Edition on this page.