The Complete Illustrated Book of Yoga has 215 ratings and 18 reviews. Barbara said: I have owned this book for around 40 years and continue to view it as.

The Complete Illustrated Book of Yoga has 215 ratings and 18 reviews. Barbara said: I have owned this book for around 40 years and continue to view it as. Free 2-day shipping on qualified orders over $35. Buy The Complete Illustrated Book of Yoga at
This fine book was gifted anonymously in the early 1990's and with it vegetarianism, non-violence, samadhi and other associated abilities that are This fine book was gifted anonymously in the early 1990's and with it vegetarianism, non-violence, samadhi and other associated abilities that are unmentionable have been achieved. It is through the austere practice of every asana in this book, every third day while fasting that it is possible to verify the abilities that are now being exemplified in a more openly main stream arena; no food, no breath and change DNA. I have owned this book for around 40 years and continue to view it as the 'Bible' for yoga practitioners. It covers a multitude of items, including the philosophy of this ancient discipline, to complete details in acheiving postures, as well as complete illustrations.
The value for me, because I have done yoga for so long, is these asanas are classic and do not involve the use of props or support. Many of those postures are beyond my current ability, but it is good to view photos of those who hav I have owned this book for around 40 years and continue to view it as the 'Bible' for yoga practitioners. It covers a multitude of items, including the philosophy of this ancient discipline, to complete details in acheiving postures, as well as complete illustrations. The value for me, because I have done yoga for so long, is these asanas are classic and do not involve the use of props or support. Program Pasca Sarjana Uin Sgd Bandung. Many of those postures are beyond my current ability, but it is good to view photos of those who have such flexibility. Vishnu-devananda, Swami.