Index of /cheats/SLUS Name Last modified Size Description: Parent Directory - SLUS_000.01.txt: 2013-01-24 19:12. Psx games (PSX) Gry. [SLUS-00748].7z (375.01 MB) Gran Turismo PAL.rar (359.52 MB). Gameshark 5 (img sub).7z (793.92 kB) Gameshark 5. Hungry for Gameshark codes? Get ready for a feastin' as we've got plenty, all Gameshark codes organized by game for your convenience. We've also got Gameshark codes. Resident Evil 2 - Dual Shock Edition. SLUS-00748: DISC 2 SLUS-00756. GAMESHARK CODES: Infinite Health Leon.
English Menus and gameplay are in English. You select from Chris Redfield and Jill Valentine, two members of a special police force sent into the woods outside Raccoon City to investigate a series of strange murders. After being separated from their team, Chris and Jill begin searching through a mysterious house, hidden in a remote location deep within the forest. The characters encounter zombies, mutant plants, monstrous spiders, and other by-products of an experiment gone astray, as they attempt to gather evidence pertaining to the case, save their partners, destroy the evil residing within the house, and escape with their lives. Resident Evil Director's Cut is based on the original version (which is also included in the package). Building upon its success, this new 'director's cut' offers players new camera angles, some new weapons and more zombies and monsters to kill. Like the original game, it was inspired by the George Romero classic Night of the Living Dead as well as the PC game Alone in the Dark.

The training mode, while sounding like some sort of idiotic play-by-numbers, is actually a version of the game in which the monsters do less damage. The advanced mode, the creatures, not surprisingly, do greater damage (you might get killed with a single chomp, if you're not careful), there are fewer ribbons, and ammo is a little more difficult to come. The original release SLUS-00551 was a digital pad only and was packaged with Resident Evil 2 Interactive Demo. The second release SLUS-00747 supports the dualshock controller but didn't have the demo cd. The North American and European releases of the Director's Cut were marketed as featuring the original, uncensored footage as seen in the Japanese releases. However, the FMV sequences were still censored. Complete Works Of Charles. Tvb Series Direct. Capcom claimed the omission was the result of a localization mistake made by the developers and offered the uncensored intro as a free download from their website.
The French and German PAL versions of Director's Cut feature the uncensored FMVs, in colored versions. A second release of Director's Cut, known as the Dual Shock Ver., was released in Japan and North America. The Dual Shock Ver. Featured support for the DualShock controller's analog controls and vibration functions, as well as a new symphonic soundtrack by Mamoru Samuragoch, replacing the original soundtrack by Makoto Tomozawa, Akari Kaida, and Masami Ueda. The Japanese Dual Shock Ver.
Unreal 2 Awakening Blood Patch more. Came packaged with a bonus disc that contained downloadable save data and footage of the Japanese dubbed version of the opening cut scene and other footage, along with gameplay footage of Resident Evil 1.5, the canceled version of Resident Evil 2. Manufacturer's description: FACE YOUR FEARS. In the ultimate experience of suspense and terror, Blood-thirsty zombies.