Boat Manufacturer: Caravelle Years Covered: 2002-2010 Color Family: Black Color Name: Black Container Size: 2 oz Patch Paste Repair Kit Gel Coat Patch Paste Repair • Patch Paste is the factory gel coat color made into an easy-to-use paste • Kit includes: • 2oz gel coat paste • Hardener • Easy-to-follow instructions • Add hardener, mix thoroughly, apply to damaged area using a putty knife • Perfect for cosmetic repairs: small nicks, scratches, drill holes, worn areas Patch Paste allows an inexperienced person to make professional gel coat repairs. The paste spreads like vaseline, sets in 5-15 minutes, and is ready to sand and buff in an hour. Spectrum Color uses the latest and most advanced gel coats in the industry for formulating its products. Their products are superior for ease-of-application, cure, sanding and in returning a high-gloss finish when buffed. Coloring Colors are a perfect match to the original, new gel coat color. Based on exposure and time, boats older than 5 years may have a slightly noticeable difference in the gel coat color matches.

Patch paste kits cannot be altered to match the 'tint' of the weathered gel coat color. Tinting is available with quart and gallon sizes. Use Instructions • Mix 1/2 of the gel coat paste bottle (1oz) with 10 drops of hardener. This mixing ratio must be kept or the gel coat may not harden. • Apply to the damaged area in work temperature between 65 and 90 degrees. • Allow to cure for 1-2 hours • Wet sand and buff with polishing compound to achieve a glossy finish Shelf Life Gel coat patch paste kits have a shelf life of 6 months.
Spectrum Color has gone GREEN!! Patch Paste Kit. All Gel Coat and Patch Paste Products have a shelf life of 6 months. Non-Stocking Discontinued Pp Kits.
After 6 months the solvent in the kit evaporates and the paste begins to break down chemically. Safety When working with gel coat be sure to wear gloves and safety glasses. Typical use may also require acetone to clean the area, an application tool like a putty knife, finishing sand paper and a buffing tool. We understand that sometimes a product you purchase just doesn't work out. We want to make the process as easy as possible for you.
Please click on the links below for more information on our return policies and procedures. General Return Policy An item(s) may be returned within the first 30 days after the item(s) is shipped to you. Merchandise must be in new, unused condition with all original packaging in good condition; plus parts, accessories, manuals, and/or warranty cards included. You will need to receive a return authorization number (RA #) as well as instructions from our Customer Service Department. To receive your RA #. Returned item(s) that do not have a RA # will not be accepted.
* Please note: iboats.com does not accept any return merchandise on Canadian & International orders. See our Warranty Policy After 30 days of your purchase, the manufacture of the product(s) will need to be contacted for a warranty claim. If you need assistance finding the manufacturers number please contact our Customer Service Department.
Author Topic: Spectrum Gel Coat Patch Paste Repair Kit. Binkster posted 09:45 PM ET (US) Just starting the restoration of the gel coat on the hull of my '87 15 footer. The hull is in very good shape for its age, and with some sanding and polishing it can be brought back to pristine shape, although are some nicks and scrapes that need to be regeled. What is the color of the gel coat on that year hull, and I assume that a Sprectrum kit is the way to go. My local fiberglass coatings dealer can color match their gel coat for the nominal fee of $225. LOL rich zotcha posted 10:28 AM ET (US) Merry Christmas, Bink. I believe it is Spectrum Desert Tan.
My 1982 is white hull/Desert Tan interior but my 1988 is tan inside and out. Binkster posted 09:09 AM ET (US) Thanks Mike, my 15 footer is the same color inside and out, so it would be all Desert Tan. We rolled the boat over yesterday (Christmas), so now I can work on the hull, and its sitting upside down on 4 tires. Utilization Of Electrical Energy By Cl Wadhwa here. Had to wait for a family gathering to do that, as the neighbors around here are all to lazy or have 'back' problems. A belated Christmas greeting to you. Rich Keeper posted 04:14 PM ET (US) I had mine belly up for quite a while. You can't tell from the pick but I had a decent section of gunnel cap to repair.