Soft Tissue Lump On Top Of ShoulderSoft Tissue Lump On Forehead

Aparna I am posting this query again only for your ready reference. I had added an image to the posting later but was not sure if you were able to see it. I am therefore posting the query and image again along with your response.

Please bear with me. If there is any further advice you can give me after seeing the image, it would be much appreciated. Thank you 1st post, Jun 23, 2008 07:58AM Over the last few years, I have noticed a swelling on the forehead in the temple area that has increased gradually with time. The swelling appears to be more in the middle of forehead right above the area between the eyes and tapers down towards the ears. Vasco Da Gama Keygen Software on this page. There is no pain however.

How to Remove Bump and a Scar On my Forehead? The bump likely represents scar tissue, a cyst, or foreign body. Micro Games Champion Soccer on this page. Scar revision can help fix all of these three issues. Vendavo Training Courses on this page. A sign of adult soft tissue sarcoma is a lump or swelling in soft tissue of the body. A sarcoma may appear as a painless lump under the skin, often on an arm or a leg. Soft tissue masses. – “Mass, lump, bump, nodule. Ultrasound Evaluation of Lumps, Bumps and Small Parts of the Extremities.

Could you please suggest the possible causes for this condition? Response by Dr. Aparna, Jun 23, 2008 09:59AM Hi, If it is a painless, soft to firm lump then it could be a sebaceous cyst.Sebaceous cysts are usually small and grow slowly.Sebaceous cysts generally do not require medical treatment. However, if they continue to grow, they may become unsightly, painful, infected, or all of the above.

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