• 3.8k Downloads • Abstract Unlike much of the previous literature, which has generally focused on internal risk factors, this study seeks to explore the impact of macro-economic factors on small business mortality. The results suggest that economic factors appear to be associated with between 30% and 50% of small business failures, depending on the definition of failure used.
The Journal of Entrepreneurial Finance Volume 1 Issue 1Spring 1991 Article 2 December 1991 Small Business Uniqueness and the Theory of Financial Management. Devil May Cry 6 For Pc. CiteSeerX - Scientific documents that cite the following paper: Small Business Uniqueness and the Theory of Financial Management. Entrepreneurship&Small Business Management-Study pdf. Because each business is unique. Because of poor financial management. The business plan needs to.
As expected, failure rates were positively associated with interest rates (where failure was defined as bankruptcy) and the rate of unemployment (where failure was defined as discontinuance of ownership). However, somewhat unexpectedly, failure rates were found to be positively associated with lagged employment rates (where failure was defined as to prevent further losses) and with current and lagged retail sales (where failure was defined as either: failed to 'make a go of it'; discontinuance of ownership; or discontinuance of business). Reaper 4.22 Keygen on this page. This indicates that a strengthening economy may provide the trigger for an increase in voluntary business exits as individual proprietors seek to maximize the returns available to them on both their financial and human capital.