Download some joomla extensions, module, plugin, or component. Download Joomla tutorials and documentations to create your template. Joomla 2.5 – How to disable MooTools. Note: some Joomla features and templates rely on MooTools and will assume it is running. As with any system. If you are adding your own version of MooTools or subsequent dependent scripts into the head of your template then you should go into the Joomla! Plugins and disable. Hp Compaq Nx6110 Recovery Cd. Can anybody help me with turning mootools.js and caption.js scripts off for this template?
Content Tags for Joomla Showtags is a Joomla content plugin to show article tags in category or article views. Plugin is based on article meta-keywords.
Features: * Show tags before and/or after articles * Parent tag selectable div/nav * Format tags in unordered list / wordlist * Show tags in category, featured or article view * You can add a custom CSS selector to customize it * Languages: English, Spanish and German (thanks to Johannes Hock @adhocgraFX!). Other languages are welcome:-) * Category filter: Show tags only in articles of specified categories * Can generate an $article->showtags field instead of showing tags to customize content tpl * It's compatible with Aixeena Taxonomy System (as a replace of the 'Content - Tags' plugin) * Joomla! 3.0 compatible Install / Configuration: - Download Zip file - Install it through Joomla Extension Manager - Go to Extensions >Plug-in manager and search a plugin called 'Content - Showtags'. Click it to enable / configure the plugin. Author & License: Showtags was developed by Roberto Segura and is licensed under GNU/GPL 2, Contact: You can find me at: Email: roberto(at)phproberto. Archive Install 10.7. com Twitter: http://twitter.com/phproberto.
Although MooTools is deprecated in Joomla 3, it's (but might be removed in future versions). You can load the framework by adding JHtml::_('behavior.framework'); (or if you need both Core and More libraries): JHtml::_('behavior.framework', true); to your template's index.php file. This will at least be a temporary fix, until you find the file/extension using Mootools code.
Finding the culprit might be hard, but I suggest you start with your browsers Developer Tools ( F12 in most browsers) and look for JavaScript errors, it might give you a hint. This is a PHP error resulting in Joomla throwing an error, so, not a Javascript error and not something to be fixed by adding more PHP.
As you suspected you need to find the source of the errant PHP call. The first thing to do is turn up your error reporting to 'Development' and see that gives you any new information, if there is no new information that helps you track down the source of the error then it becomes the manual slice and dice approach. Try swapping to a built-in template briefly and seeing if the problem goes away — if it does it's either the template or a module that is no longer called because it's assigned position doesn't exist in the default template you swapped to. If it's not the template you can track down the modules pretty quickly.