SAP ABAP Message Class 04 Message Number 205 (RFC to program SAPFTP failed) Hierarchy. 'Hi all, my program is working fine when i execute it in SAP GUI. Download Openssh Backdoor Patch. In this program i need to send some local file to FTP server from presentation server. Abt RFC & FTP---- RFC to SAPFTP failed (urgent) Hi all, my program is working fine when i execute it in SAP GUI. In this program i need to send some local file to FTP. Opera Mini Next 7 Handler Hack For Android Apk here. The RFC destinations SAPFTP and SAPFTPA will be created automatically. RFC Connections for Publishing MIME Documents. Report RSFTP005 controls the definition of RFC destination SAPFTP/SAPFTPA and RFC. SAP Error: 04-104; Desc. Attempt to set up connection to failed; Internal: 1548. RFC to program SAPFTP failed; Internal: 1552.
Hi all, my program is working fine when i execute it in SAP GUI. In this program i need to send some local file to FTP server from presentation server. Actually we have a scanner through which we can scan the barcode data from barcode label.this scanner is connected to sap test server through web console. So,i can see the sap screen on the screen of scanner for this perticular transaction. After scanning a barcode,the barcode data comes to scanner.when i execute this report on the scanner, it is showing the error---- RFC to SAPFTP failed. Where as this same report is working very fine on the SAP can send my file from presentation server to FTP server located at some other place. Web console is installed so i can connect scanner to SAP for this perticular transaction through web.i think, to execute on scanner is same as execute on sap server.