Punjab University finally announces MA/MSc Exams Commencement with PU MA, MSc admission forms schedule 2018 which is also available here on this page in further writing. The university announces it before two days that management decided to conduct MA Part 1 and Part as well as MSc Part 1 and Part 2 annual exams on 6th and 7th Month of this year. MA and MSC Part II Annual Exams will be starting in 2018 and MS, MSc Part I Annual Exams would be starting approximately from 04 on July 2016.

Along with the commencement of exams date university also issues detailed admission forms schedule for easiness of students so that students can act upon accordingly on time as well. Dates as mention here in this admission Forms Schedule and final and in case of any change this page will update here with detail.
Commencement dates for the Examinations will be announced later. Dated: – 0-0-2018. MS and MSc Part II exams will be starting earlier than part 1 Exams hence their Result will be announced with the same sequence. Students always seem to complain about admission forms days relaxation therefore we publish this admission form Schedule about five months earlier before exams so you have enough days for submission and preparation as well. All Students are directed to keep in touch with this page so that you can update yourself about Master Programs Exams in the near future.
Punjab University BSc Admission Form 2018 Last Date Fees has. Dictionary Professional V2.0. Online Fees Challan Form. MA, MSc Annual Exams. Punjab University Examinations Department has. Punjab University Lahore MA/MSc Admission Guide. Can I download the admission form? Punjab University Admission Form Download Punjab. Punjab University Admission Form.
Punjab University MA/MSC Private Registration 2018 Form Fees and here we have uploaded the date and fee schedule for single, late and double fee. If you want to be the part of PU as a private candidate then the time for submission of your application form is now begins and there are very few days left behind to submit your form and fee. So read this entire article carefully and make sure that either you are eligible for this PU MA MSc registration 2018 or not and if you see that you are eligible then you will get below the procedure for how to and where to submit the application form before till the last date of submission of application form.
Students it is a great educational facility that is endowed by the PU for those who are doing some job and also want their studies to be continue with job. A private student will study the same syllabus in his or her own selected academy on any time and there will be mentioned on degree as a private candidate. But their exams will be conduct along with the regular students on the regular date sheet which will be announce later. So for this time just scroll down this page to get the PU MA MSc registration 2018 for private students Punjab University MA/MSC Private Registration 2018 Eligibility For PU MA MSC Private Registration 2018 For this registration it is mandatory for boys and girls to be passing the B com/ BSc or equivalent exams 2017 or earlier. Students appearing in supplementary are also eligible for apply in MA/ MSc 2018 annual examinations under PU as a private student. PU MA MSc Registration 2018 Fees, Date Schedule Fee Rs. Amount Date Single Rs. 3230 2nd October to 30th November, 2017 Late Fee Rs.
1000/- total will be Rs. 4230/- 1st December to 29th December, 2017 Double Fee Rs. 6460/- 1st January to 28th February, 2018 How to Apply Procedure • If you are eligible then as soon as possible download or obtain your application form from the IER Bus stop, new campus PU Lahore available from 8 am to 4 pm. • After this you just have to carefully fill the form and attach the entire required document with your form also the bank receipt of fee challan • Make sure that your form is correctly filled and fee voucher is stipend with it • Resubmit it to the same booth or you also can submit form online before till the scheduled last date Terms And Conditions • Those candidates who are already registered with PU (as regular or private) are no need for again registration • In case if registration card has lost then you can get duplicate registration card by paying Rs. 100 to HBL Bank on challan form • Any regular candidate who have leave the college and now he or she is again want to get admission as a private student can use his/ her previous registration number that can be obtained by paying Rs. 100 to HBL in order to get duplicate registration card. • Candidates who hold the diploma or any other like “A” levels degree have to bring IBCC equivalence certificate issued by the IBCC Islamabad or NOC letter from relevant board So all about Punjab University MA/MSC private registration 2018 form fees is here along with eligibility, schedule for date and fee single, late and double. We have also provided you the application form online download link, eligibility criteria how to apply and all and we hope that you are all now fully aware with this criterion but in case of any further query you can leave your comment in the following comment box and we will be replying you as soon as possible.