Fake IDs and under 18s • is one that doesn’t belong to you, has been illegally made or changed (for example to make you look older). • to buy alcohol or get into a pub, club or bar. It can also be against the law to use a fake ID to buy cigarettes. • In most cases, it’s against the law just have a fake ID on you! Datakit Crossmanager 2015 X64.

• so that you can get a real ID (for example lying about your date of birth or providing false documents) •, you could face fines as big as $1,100, and you will have to wait longer before getting or upgrading your car licence. When we talk about “fake IDs”, we mean a couple of things: • has been made illegally; • has been scratched or altered in any way (like to make you seem older); • doesn’t actually belong to you (like a friend’s or brother’s ID).
What are the accepted forms of ID in the NSW? In New South Wales, you can prove your age using: • a current driver licence (NSW or interstate); • a current passport; or • a current NSW Photo Card (or current interstate proof of age card). It’s against the law to use a fake ID to buy alcohol or get into a pub, club or bar.
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If you are caught and you’re under 18, the police can: • give you a warning; • give you a formal caution; • fine you $220 on the spot; • charge you, and you might have to pay as much as $1,100! If it’s the first time you’ve used a fake ID, it’s unlikely that the police will charge you.
They will only consider doing this if you have used a fake ID before. Boris Continuum Complete 9.0.2. If you’re over 14, you could also have your provisional driver’s licence extended by 6 months (either P-1 or P-2). This applies to you even if you haven’t even started your P’s or your L’s. This means that it will take you even longer to get your full licence. For more information about getting your licence, you can check out our page on Licenses here. If the fake ID is NSW Photo Card or NSW driver licence, you are also breaking other laws by: • having it in the first place; or • using it for anything at all, including to buying cigarettes.
If you: • given a warning; • given a formal caution; • fined between $700-$800 on the spot by police; or • fined up to $1,100 if you’re found guilty by a court. It’s also against the law if you don’t give the police or an employee of a place (e.g. A bouncer) your name, address and date of birth. Navman F20 Installation Software. You can be fined $220 on the spot. For more information on your rights when talking to police, please visit our page on police interviews. Can my ID be confiscated? Only the police and certain people from Roads & Maritime Services can confiscate a fake ID.