New action-adventure game Nina: Agent Chronicles is a unique combination of brainpower and firepower - a game where completing tasks and solving puzzles is just as vital as eliminating your opponents! Played by top Polish model Iza Czarnecka, Nina has been enlisted by an anti-terrorist organisation because of her paranormal ability to take over the minds of other people. Facing many puzzles and tasks, you must guide Nina on her absorbing missions which centre on a whole city hidden in the mountains of Afghanistan. With this absorbing title, problem solving, combat tactics and making best use of available weaponry is more important than just being quick on the draw - Eye catching features created with Lithtech Talon graphics engine - Excellent graphics and updated physics system - High polygon count and individual texturing - Absorbing adventure plot and storyline - Developed by authors of highly rated adventure gameSchizm - Features top Polish model Iza Czarnecka - Played against background of special ethnic and adrenaline rush techno music. Program Angkasa Malaysia.
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