8 related questions. Jun 18, 2008 Best Answer: There are a list of games that allow you to download them and edit them your selves or people just rip open other games and rip the icons. Space Station 13 is an open source community-driven multiplayer simulation game. Set several centuries in the future, you will be playing a role on board a. Pakistan Rail Game there. How do you hack a byond game? Already exists. Would you like to merge this question into it? MERGE CANCEL. Already exists as. How do you rip byond games?

Best Answer: You can't, I've look for every way possible. The only thing you can do, is cop what another game looks like, but not the coding. All you have to do is go on a game you wanna copy, and when you see a tile, or icon you want, push 'Prt Scr' on your keyboard, then go to your windows start menu, then all programs, then accessories, then paint. Once your in paint click on the tool that looks like a dotted star, once you are using that tool, right click on the white and push paste from the right click menu. That basically how you copy the looks, you still need to edit them and replace them in your game, but there are tutorials on that.
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