Know How to Apply for Voter ID Online/Offline in Bihar Voter ID. Application form when applying for a voter’s ID card. Or Hindi) and fill in the form. Voter Id Card Form 6 Download Hindi Bihar News Order of Application The following is the order in which you should arrange your file: Acknowledgement Page Print out. How to Apply for New Voter ID Card in Bihar Online. In English and Hindi. Along with your application form when applying for a voter’s ID card in. CEO Bihar Voter ID Card Application Form. Procedure for obtaining certified entry of Electoral Roll: After the publication of Rolls you can obtain a copy of the.
Bihar - new voter ID card New voter ID card service is provided by the chief electoral officer, Bihar. For this form 6 is needed by every user, in form last page it can show documents, process and other details which is necessary for every citizens. It can also use as identity proof so user can apply many of useful document like driving license, ration card, passport, pan card and other. Department can provide online and offline facility to all user so they can apply for their voter id card any time without any problem. For offline service user need to visit to C.E.O office in their state with all documents but in online service user need to check online portal name as ceobihar.nic.in. Office 2010 Starter Iso.
It can provide all application form, voter ID card details services. After submit form online and user can check application status after some time. Most of user wants online services it can save their time and provide result in short time.
User can check here frequently asked question list for more help on voter card services. If their problem is not solving other methods help line number. It cans avail on working day. User need to ask any question for their voter card.
//P rocedure for new voter card// --Eligibility for new voter card-- • User name is not mention in voter list in this state and other. • Applicant must belong to this state. • Applicant age is 21 year or above and citizens of India --Document require by applicant-- • Form 6 (new voter card) • Three passport size photograph • Age proof (pan card, school certificate and birth certificate) • Citizens proof documents • Residence proof (passport, first page bank passbook, electricity bill, water bill, telephone bill, ration card, voter ID card) --Manual process for voter card-- Form 6 is here downloading here Enter following details here: - Paste passport size photograph here. Enter assembly constituency name 1. Enter applicant details: - name, age, sex, place of birth, father/ mother name with surname 2. Particular of place of present ordinary residence(full address): - house/ door number, street/ area/ locality/ Mohalla/ road, town/ village, pin code, tehsil/ taluka/ mandal/ thana, district 3.
Details of family member name include in voter id card: - name, relationship, part number, serial number and photo voter card number 4. Declaration by applicant • I am citizens of India • I am ordinary residence at address given in Para 2 • I have not applied for any voter id card for other constituency • My name is not include in electoral roll of the assembly constituency and other Or • My name is including in election roll, so please delete form that electoral roll. Enter palace and date Enter signature of applicant Enter correct mobile number and e mail id --Where to submit form-- Form 6 submitted with all supporting document to C.E.O and B.L.O office in their area. // online service for voter card// It can provide three steps: - Step one: - Choose form: - form 6 Enter name in English and Hindi Enter mobile number and e mail id Click on register button. Steps two: - Enter mobile number Enter verification code Click on login button. Step three (for upload all supporting documents): - Enter application number Enter register mobile number Click on login button.