Trislander BN-2A Mk III-2 Role Airliner Manufacturer First flight 11 September 1970 Status Out of production, in service Primary user Vieques Air Link, Roraima Airways Produced 1970–1980 Number built 72 Developed from The Britten-Norman Trislander (more formally designated the BN-2A Mk III Trislander) is an 18-seat -powered civilian utility produced in the 1970s and early 1980s by of. These capable aircraft were produced on the. They were also produced in, and delivered via to Britain for their certification. Contents • • • • • • • • • • Design and development [ ] Designed by John Britten and, the Trislander is a further development of Britten-Norman's better-known aircraft in order to give it a larger carrying capacity.
FSX Britten-Norman BN2A Mk lll-2 Trislander. Screenshot of Britten-Norman BN2A Mk lll-2 Trislander in flight. MANUALS: 08.13.10: 0 B. Britten-Norman Islander/Trislander Service. Effectiveness or safe use of any aircraft manual or publication and does not warrant that any aircraft manual. Britten-Norman BN Trislander Owner's Manual 1973 (part. For aircraft flight manuals than any.
In comparison with the Islander, the Trislander has a stretched fuselage, strengthened, fixed tricycle landing gear and a third engine on the fuselage centre line atop the. Bell Helicopter Manuals. The Trislander has exceptional low speed handling characteristics, extended endurance, increased payload, low noise signature and economical operating costs.
Capable of taking off from a 492 yard long landing strip, the Trislander can readily operate from unprepared surfaces. Operational history [ ] The prototype of the Trislander, which was constructed from the original second Islander prototype, first flew on 11 September 1970. The type entered service with the -based in July 1971.
Initial production ceased in 1982 after 73 had been sold and delivered, with a further seven Trislanders unsold, when Pilatus Britten Norman sold a manufacturing license to the (IAC) of Florida. It was planned for IAC to build 12 Trislanders (to be known as Tri-Commutairs) from parts kits supplied by Britten-Norman before undertaking full production, but these plans came to nothing. Variants [ ] BN-2A Mk III-1 First production version, with short nose. BN-2A Mk III-2 Lengthened nose and higher operating weight. BN-2A Mk III-3 Variant certified for operation in the. Blackberry Tower Defence Games more.
BN-2A Mk III-4 III-2 fitted with 350 lb rocket-assisted takeoff equipment. BN-2A Mk III-5 III-2 with sound-proofed cabin, modernised cockpit/interior and new engines (proposed, unbuilt as yet). Baseball Stars Snes Rom. Trislander M Proposed military version, not built. • Historians, BN..
• Taylor 1976, p. • ^ Cunliffe Air International October 2015, p. • Taylor 1982, pp. • Trevett, John.
'Commuter Aircraft Directory: '., 11 May 1985, p. 26 April 2016. Retrieved 9 October 2016. • 'Trislander for Solent Sky'.. Vol. 45 no. 5.
• Aviation Safety Network, Flight Safety Foundation, 16 December 2008. Retrieved: 28 February 2009. • 3 October 2011 at the. New Zealand Transport Accident Investigation Commission (TAIC) via taic.org.
Retrieved: 11 May 2011. • Taylor 1976 pp. • The Illustrated Encyclopedia of Aircraft (Part Work 1982–1985).
London: Orbis Publishing, 1985. • Cunliffe, Charles. 'Trislander Sunset'.. October 2015, Vol. • Stroud, John.
'Post War Propliners: Islander and Trislander'.. • Jane's All The World's Aircraft 1976–77. London: Jane's Yearbooks, 1976..
• Taylor, John W. Jane's All The World's Aircraft 1982–83. London: Jane's Yearbooks, 1982. • External links [ ] Wikimedia Commons has media related to.
I am a big fan of the Britten Norman Trislander and have many as authentic AI traffic flying around the Channel Islands.I recently watched a Just Planes DVD on the Channel Islands airline AURIGNY and noticed that the 'real-life' performance of the Trislander is nothing like the performance of the FS model (nothing new there then;-)Has anyone successfully modified the AIR file on the Trislander (Marcel Kuhnt developed it originally I believe) to reflect real-world performance? If not would be great to hear from anyone who knows of some freeware I could use to improve the general handling and performance of this fabulous three-engined English workhorse!Adam. Hi DanI found it much too powerful. Real world climb performance with full aircraft is around 500 fpm @ 80kts - I appear to be getting around 120-130kts in the climb even throttled back above 500ft at suggested rpm/prop values.This could easily be a FS2002 >FS2004 issue (as with many aircraft) so just wanted to fine-tune it for FS2004.Are you running 2002 or 2004 Dan?Other than this I love Marcel's aircraft and Ken Mitchell's panel.