Hello, sry for digging out this old thread! I am new here, I searched for one special TomTom Voice called Enie and found this thread! It's a german voice from a womand called Enie van de Meiklokjes.

Jul 05, 2009 TomTom Voices 34 deutsch and 46 englisch German: Alternative Frauenstimme Bayrisch Boris Becker Bruce Willis Bully DerFrauenversteher DerKaiser. Sygic stimmen bruce willis the word alive real full album 2014 12 08 rar tia layne jasmine jae and rebecca moore marshall lead 100 mosfet manual. Sygic stimmen bruce willis the word alive real full album 2014 12 08 rar tia layne jasmine jae and rebecca moore marshall lead 100 mosfet manual. Hallo zusammen suche die Bruce Willis Stimme? Kann mir bitte jemand helfen??
The voice is in there (I can say that because the picture with it is correct) but it seems it is the only one that doesnt work I copy the 3 files into my voices folder, I see it in the software but when I click Test nothing comes Bruce, Bully.every German works except Enie Please can someone help me??? Maybe someone can try and send me working files for Enie. Any help is appreciated! This is what i did. Swiss Made Tentacles Game. I dont know why I sould patch the file since all the other voices i used works with this procedure 1. Save downloaded folder to my PC, for example in 'C: tomtom voices' 2. Switch on my TomTom and connect it to the computer (USB cable) 3.

Click the Windows Start logo at the bottom left of your screen, then click on 'My Computer' and you should see the your TomTom ( e.g. Devices with Removable Storage with a small icon). Double click on the icon and the TomTom's folder view will open.
If you have a folder labelled 'voices', double click it, otherwise you'll need to store you voice files in the root folder (the first folder you see, after following Step 3). PDA and pocket GPS users with TomTom software may need to copy saved files to folder mobile device/my documents 5. Copy any of the voice files from the folder ( all 3 files: CHK, BMP and VIF) and paste into the folder voices or tomtom root folder (i.e.
Copy all the files to that folder: data88.chk and data88.bmp and data88.vif). You can save as many tomtom voices as you want. After pasting the last voice wait about 30 seconds, and then remove your USB cable. Your tomtom will reboot and you will be able to activate selected voice. To change a voice on your TomTom: 1. Tap the centre of the screen: 2.
Tap 'Change Preferences ' 3. Click the right arrow, three times. Now select 'Change Voice' 5. Use the right and left buttons to scroll around your available voices.