Directia De Impozite Si Taxe Locale Sector 2 Program. C4FM/FM 144/430 MHz - DUAL BAND 50 W DIGITAL TRANSCEIVER 50th Anniversary Limited Edition with New Features The successor to FT-897D? 50th Anniversary Limited Edition New Features!! Built-in GPS 2m/70cm con APRS GPS integrado y funcionalidad EchoLink 1200 Watt - 160-6 meter T-Mosfet Amplifier New Top-of-the-range HF/50MHz Transceiver Download This 'NEW' QRP transceiver silicon MOSFET technology to allow continuous 100% duty cycle operation in both CW and SSB modes 1500w PEP continuous output all modes *no time limit* VHF-UHF • • Wouxun • • • Marine Radio • • • • RECEPTORES • • • CB RADIO • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •.
Equipment Manuals HOME. Agilent 53131A,53132A Universal Frequency Counter Service Manual. Find best value and selection for your SuperStar 3900 Service Manual. TIPS: You need to have Acrobat Reader version 5 or newer installed to view the files with icon. If the files with or icon will not display see the.
This Manual is provided by CBTricks.com Someone who wanted to help you repair your equipment put together this information. Superstar 360 Owner’s Manual.
PB010 Chassis (Cobra 148GTL-DX, Superstar 360 FM) PB042 Chassis (President Jackson) PC999 Chassis (President Grant) Other Uniden CB Chassis - Applications The information in this book can be applied to many other Uniden CB radios since all the current production units are basically the same. Examples are: Stalker 9-FDX, President McKinley export (PC 893). Bubble Tanks 4 Armor Games on this page. This uses the MB 8719 and is an 80-channel transceiver using a single loop oscillator crystal in the 15 MHz range. It is AM/FM/SSB and some versions also have the British CB band which is switched in by another crystal on a separate sub-PC board. Cobra 148GTL, President AR-144/AX-144, Midland 6001/7000 (new version), Realistic TRC451, Sears 663.3810, Uniden PC-244. This is basically identical except for the lack of FM, and the PLL circuit which uses a uPD2824 ROM chip.