Quote: ^^yea that's true. I'm not a Virtual DJ supporter at all but there are some people are really hard core suporters of Virtual DJ. There's youtube video's of people hacking the VCI-300 and NS7 to work with VDJ. Personally I'm like WHY!?? But it just shows how hardcore people are about Virtual DJ Well you can't use ssl with the vci and ns7 now can you? The thing is the software has native mapping for most midi and hid interfaces on the market now. And that's what the new generation of dj's are into.
So a company can either chose to 'keep it real' by honoring the old timers or sell software that that is compatible with the new dj gadgets that's been sold in stores now. Quote: I started out using VDJ, I got simple beatmatching and the idea of mixing down, and then when i was 16, I bought Traktor scratch duo, technics 1200s and a crappy mixer. I think there is alot to be learned from VDJ, and a little to be learned from Traktor Scratch, But an EXTREMELY HIGH amount of knowledge to be learned from SSL My point is. Is that I think this free home version will be good for alot of beginner DJs who wanna check it out before dropping 1 grand(aTleast) in gear. What do you learn from SSL that you dont from the other two programs? Quote: I'm going to download it tonight.
I have my reasons as to why. None of which is for actual DJ purposes.
Find best value and selection for your skin serato scratch live virtual dj search on eBay. World's leading marketplace. Sep 01, 2012 REAL SERATO DJ SKIN FOR VIRTUAL DJ 8. DIGITAL DJ PRO Evo - Virtual DJ - Best skin ever. Serato Itch, Need Help with this, Virtual DJ, Serato.
But off hand. Is anyone aware if having it installed on the same computer with the Serato software causes any conflicts. Or does VDJ have any affect on the music files when read?? Would loading a file in VDJ possibly alter the tag info or SSL overview info that's written in the file?? Nope no conflicts with ssl - plus vdj don't write any info to mp3 files - it stores the cue point etc in a XML database. I hardly ever beatmatch by ear these days. SHOCK HORROR!!
With all the bpm analysers, waveforms etc you should be able to throw on a track and match it within a few seconds give or take. He-man Desenho Dublado. It gives me more time to drink and have fun with everyone else at the party. If a deaf person gets his hearing back does he still read lips?
But all in all Im glad to say that if there was an all vinyl throw down, I know I could get out my 12's and rock it the good old fashioned way with no problems. I wonder how many of todays DJ's could do it? Quote: But all in all Im glad to say that if there was an all vinyl throw down, I know I could get out my 12's and rock it the good old fashioned way with no problems. I wonder how many of todays DJ's could do it? I could I see this been used as an indication of prowess a lot these day.
To be honest it’s more of a hint of the era you grew up. There were vinyl dj’s who were good and vinyl dj’s who sucked. Just because you owned records - it is no TRUE indication that you were a good dj. Let’s keep it real Am I lying?:) This is kinda like the older guys who boast about being able to drive a stick shift, the fact is most of the cars produced today are automatic and the majority of the driving schools teach to drive in automatic cars – so new drivers can’t be faulted for lack of knowledge of stick shift ( especially for American drivers – I know in Europe –stick shifts are still popular). Point is you can’t expect - new cats – especially dudes who starting in the last 5 years or in the emergence of the cd/mp3/digital era to BE vinyl connoisseurs.
Quote: But when you claim to be able to mix.you must be able to do it without staring at the waveforms like a doofus. If I was new to DJ'ing & wanted to learn the craft then yes, I would definately want to be able to beatmatch by ear and be a tight mixer.