UPDATE 12-5-12: Thanks to a reader (see comments below), I've gotten my hands on a version of KisMAC that works on Mac OS X Mountain Lion! While it may be a beta version, it does at least run and collect unique IVs from my Airport Extreme card, and I'm able to use the data in aircrack-ng. Download it here: Your situation: You've spent endless hours researching/experimenting with cracking your own personal WEP encrypted wireless network and you just can't seem to get it accomplished. You don't necessarily have state-of-the-art equipment (other than your super fine Macbook/Macbook Pro), and you can't run other alternatives such as. You're stuck with KisMAC although it's outdated software. It just so happens you're still in luck. Microsoft Sql Server 2008 R2 Standard Iso. Wdm Driver Dazzle Dvc100 there. All you need are a couple extra tools and some tips that aren't usually discussed anywhere else.