The Y-Age patches is a family of 3 LifeWave patch products which can. Y-Age Aeon patches put. Please refer to the diagrams for placement options. Welcome to! Free shipping on all items! We offer you the Aeon Patch, Life Wave Patches, Nanotechnology Patches, Energy Enhancer.
You are here: >Bushnell Banner Lite Site Manual there. Y-Age patches Product description • • • • • • The Y-Age patches is a family of 3 LifeWave patch products which can be studied in greater details by following the links below: • patches which are designed to reduce stress and aging. • patches which have been shown to elevate the human body's master antioxidant levels. • patches which are designed to repair some of the effects of aging.
The Aeon patch is applied to acupuncture points that have been known to stimulate the. You can use LifeWave patches. For example: place, Energy Enhancer (EE).
1.- The Y-Age Aeon patches • Y-Age Aeon patches are known to reduce stress and inflammation • Y-Age Aeon patches put nervous system in balance in a few minutes • Y-Age Aeon patches is known to lower C-reactive proteins. [ C-reactive protein (CRP) is a protein found in the blood, the levels of which rise in response to inflammation. CRP is synthesized by the liver in response to factors released by macrophages and fat cells (adipocytes). To see this player. Highlights of video 1: Y-Age Glutathione and Y-Age Carnosine patches are anti-aging products.

The video explains their benefits and offers advice on how to use them. Y-Age Glutatione patches were designed to elevate the level of glutathione more efficiently in the body and at a much lower price than through injections or oral vitamin supplementation.
Glutathione is the master antioxidant in the body which when elevated can increase the level of other antioxidants in the body such as the vitamin C, vitamin A and Coenzyme Q and act as a strong detoxification agent. Manually Add Language Files Rosetta Stone. Another part of the Y-Age anti-aging program is the Y-Age Carnosine. Carnosine has the ability of protecting and cleaning the inside of a cell. Y-Age Carnosine patches can increase athletic performance. Glutathione and carnosine patches have remarkable anti-aging properties. Synopsis: This video provides testimonials of various customers throughout the world about the benefits of the LifeWave patches.
Duration of the video: 15 min. Narrators: Various satisfied customers throughout the world. Suzanne Somers, actress and LifeWave spokesperson. To see this player. Highlights of video 2: Various testimonials from LifeWave customers around the world. Suzanne Somers, LifeWave ambassador discusses the benefits of the LifeWave patches with David Schmidt, LifeWave CEO (anti-aging, benefits of the patches), Dr.