A semi-private place to share and discuss Undertale secrets discovered by means beyond playing the game. Respect Toby's wishes and don't dump anything into a public setting. As soon as someone has figured out the 'context' of something that has been extracted, it should be OK to talk about it elsewhere. Be sure to check the FAQ before posting! Odds are, what you're looking for can be found or elsewhere in the sub, so be sure to use that search function.
Dec 29, 2011 Link: Disclaimer: I did not upload this file. I am not responsible for you decompiling games that you don. Game Maker 3rd- party i. I'm no lawyer either, but I don't think scoffing at them is very nice, either (not a comment directed at the topic creator, but.

This sub is dedicated to the exploration of the game itself, trying to access someone's personal servers is literally hacking, and will not be allowed here. For modding, be sure to check out the sub! Thanks to with help making the CSS!
Game Maker 3rd-party iOS compiler. Like the main Game Maker. Grupo Gamesa Celaya. exe file or the actual runner. Decompiling games has been nothing but a tiny thorn in the side of. The gm(48) is a casual, fun game jam that helps you to learn and grow as a developer. The next gm(48). Decompiling an Executable (self.gamemaker).
For real time undermining conversation, check the IRC channel us.synIRC.net at #Underminers. Yeah, I was aware, and that's why I'm also a bit hesitant to release it as a compiled program (I don't want to make it too easy, in a weird way).
Maybe I should get some things cleared up to be sure: • Is it okay to answer questions about the game by posting small code snippets? Mirrawrs has been doing this. It's the most definite answer to many mysteries. • Is it okay to release the Undertale source code to people who PM me? (I don't know if I want to do this yet, it's fully hypothetical. Don't instantly flood me, folks!) • • • • •.
For the purpose of this sub it's just being direct vs indirect. If it's not linking to the questionable content I'm not going to take action against it. Afaik one of the sticking points about the legality of this kind of thing is the specificity of purpose. If quickBMS can reasonably be used for something that is not illegal, it's fine. Since quickBMS is general purpose and can be a valid tool to recover your own code, or to tinker with stuff that is fully open, it's fine. A decompiler written just to reverse GMS games? When one of the very selling points of the platform is protection from such things?
Nope, nope, aaaaand nope. I'm slowly but surely writing a Game Maker Studio decompiler. It's not as good as Mirrawrs' yet, but if you squint and have some programming experience, you can follow what's going on in the resulting code.
Here is an example ripped from Undertale: 0075c36c Self.myinteract = 3s 0075c378 Global.msc = 0s 0075c384 Global.typer = 5s 0075c390 Global.facechoice = 0s 0075c39c Global.faceemotion = 0s 0075c3a8.msg[][0s] = '* Alphys might work faster^1.&* But the old Royal Scientist^1,& Doctor W.D. Gaster?/' 0075c3c0.msg[][1s] = '* One day^1, he vanished& without a trace./' 0075c3d8.msg[][2s] = '* They say he shattered& across time and space./' 0075c3f0.msg[][3s] = '* Ha ha.^1.&* How can I say so& without fear?/' 0075c408.msg[][4s] = '* I'm holding a piece of& him right here./%%' 0075c420 Self.mydialoguer = instance_create[](779s, 0s, 0s) 0075c448 Self.talkedto = Self.talkedto + 1s 0075c460 Self.con = 1s It is open source, released under the MIT license, and written in. It's a Visual Studio project, but you should be able to compile it with something like Mono.
I could release a Windows executable if people are interested enough; the output kinda sucks for now, haha. I'm busy with real life, so I will temporarily have to shift my focus to other projects. Soon, I'll work more on this thing.
InstantPlay tab of the decompiler. This morning an update to the GM Decompiler was released, this time with the ability to decompile InstantPlay games and extract GM7 extensions from games.
The update also defeats some methods devised for protecting games from the old decompiler (typically using a hex editor to tamper with the PE). InstantPlay decompiling automatically detects games you have used via InstantPlay, which are stored in a folder under My Documents. Users are presented a list of games detected and the rest is automatic.