Cobalt Fusion presents: Debugview++, currently at v1.8, I would really like to hear what you think! Leave any Questions? Tweet me at or chat on skype at 'janwilmans'. There is also a Debugview++ started as a viewer for Win32 OutputDebugString messages in the style of Sysinternals DebugView. However, it can now be attached to virtually any other kind of logging, such as: • tailing ascii and UTF logfiles (just drag it onto the window) • Android ADB (or any console based standard output) • serial ports (using plink) • sockets, telnet or ssh ports (also using plink) • it can listen for UDP messages, handy in distributed systems See examples down below. Sponsors This project is sponsored by: Build in code analysis, handy auto-fixes and refactoring options Gather and analyse crash information.

DebugView, free and safe download. DebugView latest version: Monitor debug output on your local system. DebugView is an application that lets you monitor debug output. Simply execute the DebugView program file (dbgview.exe). Note that if you run DebugView on Windows 2000/XP you must have administrative privilege to.
We use Incredibuild to make use of all cores of multiple machines to accelerate building our C++ projects. So when is this Debugview++ thing useful? • first of all, with debugview++ you can see messages from different processes, not just 'attached' processes.
• also: filtering, coloring and linking. To make sense of a large amount of information humans need to filter it or order it understand it. Also it helps if important events have different colors to quickly interpret the occurring patterns. • finally, filtering is nice, but sometimes you need to see a line in its context to understand it, this is where linked views can help to quickly switch between a fully filtered view and a fully detailed view. New in stable version 1.8.x: • bugfixes (namely in file-tailing) • tested on windows 10 • last version with (official) XP support (v141_xp target) • internal refactoring from boost to C++11/14 constructs • better commandline support using docopt.cpp • added filtering command line options • no other new features planned, if you're missing something you need, file an issue! Features we dream about and will create when we choose to spend the time: • a gantt chart-like view, a horzontal timeline, with bars/flags/signs on it to identify events • a better plugin based input system • transparent background streaming to disk • proper memory limits Known issues: • the history limit doesn't work right, this is troublesome for long-running duration-tests.
Dj Kay Slay Rhyme Or Die Rar Files there. A workaround is to send 'DBGVIEWCLEAR' before each test-cycle (this clears all logs from memory). • there is no 'pass-through' mode like the original dbgview had, if you can help me implement this, please contact me. • same goes for catching kernel messages, help wanted. References Screenshot Here are some features: • single selfcontaining executable, setup is provided but not required • minimal delay of the traced application, compared to the original dbgview a factor of 10 better.