Since a road accident left him with serious facial and bodily scarring, a former TV scientist has become obsessed by the marriage of motor-car technology with what he sees as the raw sexuality of car-crash victims. The scientist, along with a crash victim he has recently befriended, sets about performing a series of sexual acts in a variety of motor vehicles, either with other crash victims or with prostitutes whom they contort into the shape of trapped corpses. Ultimately, the scientist craves a suicidal union of blood, semen, and engine coolant, a union with which he becomes dangerously obsessed. 'Crash' had a lot of potential. I feel like I can criticize it harshly because I am a Cronenberg fan and this was nowhere close to his best work. The themes (sexual 'deviance,' violence, obsession) that Cronenberg was exploring are very relevant to today's post-modern society. However, this film didn't get the message across.
TORRENT Download Crash (1996) UNCUT - SUBs ES-FR from LimeTorrents the only place for verfied torrents from trusted sources. Comparison between the cut R-Rated Version and the uncut NC-17 Version (both contained on the US DVD) David Cronenbergs 'Crash' has only been released in a heavily.
Supposedly the book by James Ballard deals more with our obsession with fame and celebrities; that was not dealt with in the film and it should have been. It would have resulted in a more coherent piece of art. As you watch the movie, you feel like a kid watching late-night TV and stumbling upon something 'dirty' that you know you aren't supposed to see. That's about it.
As an adult, you know that there is supposed to be symbolism, an underlying metaphor or allegory, but the viewer is never really let in on the secret. Instead, we see a lot of strange sex scenes, car crashes and empty dialogue. I wanted to like this film, but it was boring, a little pretentious, and left me wanting more substance.
Comparison between the cut R-Rated Version and the uncut NC-17 Version (both contained on the US DVD) David Cronenbergs 'Crash' has only been released in a heavily cut R-Rated Version in the American cinemas. The US DVD from New Line contains both versions (R-Rated & NC-17). Interesting is that the R-Rated on the DVD seems somewhat less cut than the Theatrical Version.
This is assumed by an IMDB posting in which a longer scene is described that is allegedly missing in the Theatrical Version, but is contained on the DVD. Cut version = 91:59 Min.
Uncut version = 100:24 Min. 04:39 Shot of Catherines excited face, followed by the man kneeling behind her, kissing her butt.
04:49 Additional shot of him kissing her nether regions and herself lying on the plane. 05:20 Beginning of a shot of the sex scene between James and the camera woman. His face is grafted to her butt. 13:10 End of a shot after Catherines hand has disappeared under the blanket. We can see her masturbating James. 13:12 Longer shot of James' hand disappearing between her legs.
13:29 Another shot of the blanket and Catherine working at James under it. 24:49 The beginning of the shot of the sex scene is longer. 33:13 Shot of Vaughan fumbling between Helens legs, followed by a shot of Vaughan, Helen and James.
James watches them. 42:25 The complete sex scene between James and Catherine in bed is missing in the R-Rated. He takes her from behind while they talk somewhat explicitly about Vaughan. Catherine asks James whether he wants to have sex with Vaughan. Both reach their climax. The beginning of the next shot is missing as well. We see Helen riding James in the car.
She asks whether he came and he answers that everything is okay. 45:55 As they are watching the car crash scenes on TV, the camera pans from left to right and we see Gabrielle, Helen and James massaging each others groin areas. 49:57 While James drives, the camera pans to the backseat where Vaughan has sex with a prostitute. This scene is shown twice in alternative positions. 50:26 End of a shot of the prostitute riding Vaughan. 61:52 The sex scene between Catherine and Vaughan in the car wash is longer. Vaughan grabs her between her legs. Wifi Cracker Tool Version 3 46 Latest Version Rar more.