Dear all, I have a short Q - I live in Croatia, and unfortunatly, we are NOT blessed with a good Canon service shop here:-( (only one, HIGHLY unprofessional, have to wait 2mo for a sensor cleaning etc) so me and a couple of my canon buddies are looking if anyone can point me to a site where I could dnload their service software of course, we do not have the expertise to fix theese cameras or anything but would like to have something to start, to tell us whats wrong with the camera, how many shutter releases when buying used (the guy today told me 600, and he has it 3 years now! Come on.) ok, im rambling now. Thanx all and may you have good light!;-) greets from COLD Croatia.
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Well I agree with you guys, we would need solid background etc, and it IS the best option to go to Slovenia or Austria but I dont want to go for every little thing. I mean, Im going to pay 500$ for a used 300d and if something goes wrong (like it needs a new shutter, or sensor cleaning or something else) I have to go to austria trip alone will cost maybe 50 or so. A friend of mine is just finishing Electrical engineering and knows A LOT about cell phones, PCs etc AND likes photography (has a 20d) so Im counting on his 'expertise'.