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If I remember correctly (was once a VAC user), VACBuilder got this 'Test Phrase' button where you can test if your activation phrases are recognized. Try playing with that feature first before testing the actual profile in-game. As a tip just in case you haven't done so yet:. As with all other programs which use Windows speech files, to achieve more accurate speech recognition, you have to train your machine to better understand you. You can do so by going to Windows Control Panel >Speech Recognition Options then click the 'Train your computer to better understand you' link Check your also. On my machine, I have to enable Microphone Boost to about +20db and use Mic level of 70 in order for a voice recognition program to better hear me.
In-game, I have to adjust certain audio levels to a minimum so as not to interfere with voice recognition (ie Music, Effects, Radio). Try adjusting your settings and see if it would also help. Comment Installer Dialogys 3.80 more.
Voice control in ArmA 3 be it with VAC, Articulate or GlovePIE have a lot of conveniences to offer. Have fun with it.:). Shift_E says to try it first with Notepad as active Window since VAC sends all keys to the active Window.
Now trying it out myself using the 'ARMA3_INT' profile, voice recognition is toggle on/off using Left Alt+V key combination. If you would open up the VACBuilder under Profiles tab, you will notice that PTA and PTD (push to activate/ push to deactivate) are both set to NONE on that mentioned profile.
Very important: see to it that your machine is able to hear you. You can check your mic settings via Start >Settings >Control Panel >Sound. Under Recording tab, click Microphone. The Microphone settings window opens up then under Levels tab, slide Microphone level to 70 and Microphone Boost to +20db then apply settings. Switch ON VAC first using Left Alt + V combination. You will notice a green O icon on the VAC notification icon.
Games Similar To Alex Gordon. Now, with a blank Notepad currently being the active window, say some activation phrases like 'One'. It should open up Windows Help and Support since the profile is programmed to press F1 button. In Arma 3 game, it would not open up Windows Help and Support but instead, selects soldier one. Trying out the phrase 'Select Team Red', it should type on the Notepad window, 991 and 'Select Team Yellow', sends 994 Therefore, on ARMA3_INT profile, using the phrase 'Select Team Red' sends space 991. I do it differently on GlovePIE.