T2000 LS Maintenance T2000 LS. This course will introduce the principles of the Advantest T2000 LS Tester system support. Software Information and Download. Amar Choto Tori Bolo.

TESIM/U- 51 TESTER SIMULATOR UPDATE NOTICE REV 5.05 1. SUMMARY OF REVISION (6) Corresponding revision Relationship of revision numbers among TESIM/U- 51, ASX/U- 51 (TESTUTL 51SU, ATW 51SU) and system software is shown in the table below. TESIM/U- 51 REV 5.05 (Note1) ASX/U- 51 (TESTUTL 51SU) (ATW 51SU) REV 6.04 or REV 6.04A (REV 6.04 or REV 6.04A) (REV 6.04 or REV 6.04A) System software Solaris 2.5.1 (Note3) Solaris 7 (Note4) Solaris 8 (Note5) Note1: TESIM/U- 51 REV 5.05 cannot be used in the T5336 and T5311. Ubuntu Skin Pack For Windows 7 64 Bit. Install TESIM/U- 51 (tesim 51su) after the following products.
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